Create Envelope from Template

Send template ID and get a brand new envelope

POST /public/v1/envelopes/from-template/000-0000-000

Request Body (Recommended)

We recommend you to manage all details via template and send just an empty JSON as body:


Request Body (Advanced)

    //Optional. Default is template name.
    "name": "Envelope 167",
    //Optional. Defined under Account Settings > Tap&Sign Integrator > Webhooks
    "workspaceId": "000-000-000-0000",
    //Optional. Defined under Account Settings > Tap&Sign Integrator > Webhooks
    "webhookIds": ["xxx", "zzz"], 
    "recipients": [
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "name": "John Lenon",
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "email": "",
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "phone": "+000000000",
            "sendAs": ["email", "sms"]
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "name": "Melise Donald",
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "email": "",
            //Optional. Default comes from template.
            "phone": "+901000000",
            "sendAs": ["email", "sms"]
    "documents": [
            //Optional. Default is first document.
            "fileName": "doc01.pdf",
            "data": {
                //Opitonal. Field names and values to prepopulate.
                "fullname_1": "John Washington",
                "fullname_2": "Elisa Surname"
            //Optional. Required if you prepopulate second document.
            "fileName": "doc02.pdf",
            "data": {
                "tck": "234234234",
                "tck02": "24234234234"

Response Body

    "statusCode": 0,
    "data": {
        "downloadUrl": "",
        "id": "10fd3718-ea50-482e-a9d2-ee893d1c99da",
        "name": "Envelope 147",
        "recipients": [
                "id": "dcda5e8c-4b56-46fa-bcaa-3cfef964f4e0",
                "actionUrl": "",
                "email": "",
                "name": "John"
                "id": "03fa3a88-af6f-4aa8-baa2-0a4cc12806c2",
                "actionUrl": "",
                "email": "",
                "name": "Melisa"
        "documents": [
                "id": "78d98dff-9349-4b63-a508-bbfa20eac097",
                "downloadUrl": "",
                "title": "acro-field-test.pdf"
    "succeeded": true,
    "errors": null

Last updated